YOU ARE WHAT YOU ATE By Sherry Rogers, M.D.
Happy Bodies® is pleased to offer You Are What You Ate by Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D.
This book is indispensable as a primer and introduction to the macrobiotic diet. The macrobiotic diet is the specialized diet with which many have healed the impossible, including end stage metastatic cancers. This is after medicine has given up on them and they have been given only months or weeks to live. Yes, they have rallied after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation had failed. Life was seemingly, hopelessly over.
Understandably, this diet has also enabled many chemically sensitive universal reactors, and highly allergic and even "undiagnosable people" to heal. It has also enabled those to heal that have "wastebasket" diagnostic labels such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, chronic infections, colitis, asthma, migraines, lupus, chronic Candidiasis, and much more.
Although there are many books on macrobiotics, this is one that takes the special needs of the allergic person and those with multiple food and chemical sencitivities as well as chronic Candidiasis into account. It provides details and case histories that the person new to macrobiotics needs before he embarks on the strict healing phase as described in THE CURE IS IN THE KITCHEN. Even people who have done the macrobiotic diet for a while will find reasons why they have failed and tips to improve their success. When a diet such as this has allowed many to heal their cancers, any other condition "should be a piece of cake".