TIRED OR TOXIC? By Sherry Rogers, M.D.
Happy Bodies® is pleased to offer Tired or Toxic? by Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D.
TIRED OR TOXIC? is a 400 page book, and the first book that describes the mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of chemical sensitivity, complete with scientific references. It is written for the layman and physician alike and explains the many vitamin, mineral, essential fatty acid and amino acid analysis that may help people detoxify everyday chemicals more efficiently, and hence, get rid of baffling symptoms.
It is the first book written for laymen and physicians to describe xenobiotic detoxification, the process that allows all healing to occur. You have heard of the cardiovascular system, you have heard of the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal system, and the immune system. But most have never heard of the chemical detoxification system that is the determinant of whether we have chemical sensitivity, cancer, and in fact every disease.
This program shows how to diagnose and treat many resistant everyday symptoms and use molecular medicine techniques. It also gives the biochemical mechanisms in easily understood form, of how Candida creates such a diversity of symptoms and how the macrobiotic diet heals "incurable" end stage metastatic cancers. It is a great book for the physician you are trying to win over, and will show you how chemical sensitivity masquerades as common symptoms. It then explores that many causes and cures of chemical sensitivity, chronic Candidiasis, and other "impossible to heal" medical labels.